what we
We want to make an impact in our local communities and abroad by leading people
to Jesus and letting the Holy Spirit transform lives. We actively seek to serve our community and not just attract the community to come to our church building. Church
is who we are, and that transpires throughout our communities. We want to invest into our communities, and watch it flourish by faithfully living out the Great Commission.
We’re a multi-generational church, all ages, all walks of life. Jesus is our focus and the Bible is our source. We're a non-denominational congregation affiliated with the Church of God (Anderson, IN). A full statement of faith can be found at jesusisthesubject.org

our mission
Make Jesus the Subject
​our strategy

Connect • Grow • Serve • Go
CONNECT with the heart of God and others
GROW in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ
SERVE by reaching out to those in need
GO into all the world sharing the Gospel message
​our values
Faith • Love • Integrity • Respect • Unity • Generosity
We shall live by faith, and not by one's own doing or understanding, but as a gift from God.
Through love we serve one another, loving our neighbors more than our self.
We conduct all aspects of our lives in an honorable way. We always act responsibly and maintain
the highest levels of ethical conduct.
We are at our best when we trust one another as individuals, value the capabilities and contributions
of each person.
We pride ourselves by working together to unleash the potential gift and talents of every person.
We truly are better together. By working together we will achieve exceptional results.
We give generously knowing everything belongs to God. Not reluctantly or under compulsion
for God loves a cheerful giver.
our vision
A body of believers transformed by
Jesus to change the world around us.
our discipleship pathway

our leadership model

LIVE OUR VALUES Embodies our values
and is a great role model
for others. Demonstrates
love, integrity, respect, teamwork and generosity!

for Jesus and others.

Respectfully stands
up for what they believe
and are not ashamed
of the gospel.

MAKE DISCIPLES Consistently demonstrate
the drive, determination
and persistence to build
the kingdom. Inspires
those around them to
rise up with them.

Brings out the best in those around them.They motivate others by attracting, developing and inspiring our people to use their talents and gifts to achieve God’s purpose and maximum potential.

Be personally and collectively accountable, takes responsibility and never makes excuses.
See a need fill a need.

Is authentic and provides constructive criticism when necessary in a loving manner. Remains honest
and transparent and all times, and never gossips.
our core values