About Upward Sports
Upward Sports is a worldwide recreational sports organization that has a strong foundation in the Christian faith. It’s more than just a game and becoming an athlete. It’s developing the total athlete to thrive and succeed in all they do — mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. Athletes are taught how to play the game, but more importantly, they are taught how to live their lives for God.
Upward™ Sports is intended for athletes in kindergarten-8th grade who have the drive and desire to develop their basketball and cheerleading skills. The focus is to teach the game through healthy competition while building athletic foundations that prepare athletes for the next level of play. Through age-appropriate team play, athletes begin to build positive character traits that will allow them to encourage and strengthen themselves and their teammates.
The season lasts about 10 weeks starting in December and wrapping up in February. Teams have only one practice per week for an hour either on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. Each team plays one game per week and all games take place on Saturday.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Who is eligible to play?
Our basketball league is co-ed for grades K-8th. Girls cheerleading is K-8th grade. Teams will be separated by gender if we have enough participants.
Divisions are as follows:
Kindergarten and 1 Grade
2-3 Grade
4-5 Grade
6th-8th Grade
*A player may be moved up or moved down based on skill level.
How long is the season?
Our season runs for 10 weeks starting December 16th. (there is one meet and greet practice in December before Christmas Break). Starting in January there is practice every week through the end of February.
What is the cost?
The cost is $85 if you register before November 1st. After November 1st the cost is $100. This includes the cost of a reversible jersey, t-shirt, and shorts. For cheerleading, you will receive the vest, shirt, and turtle neck.
When are evaluations?
Evaluations will take place on November 12,14,19 & 21 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Evaluation only takes about 10 minutes, and all kids in your party can complete their evaluation at the same time. Every child is required to complete an evaluation. This helps determine your child's skill set and make the teams as even as possible. A child should be registered before signing up for an evaluation time slot. To sign up for a time slot for evaluations please do so here: EVALUATION SIGN UP
How do I register for this season?
You may register online. Space is limited, so we encourage you to register early. We highly recommend registering here before evaluations: REGISTRATION
If my child played last year, do I need to purchase a new jersey?
Yes, Upward changes league colors yearly, and the jersey is built into the league fees. Shorts and turtlenecks for cheerleading are included with the uniform.
Can I request to play with a friend or a specific coach?
No, due to the size and complexity of our league, we are unable to honor coach or friend requests. See our Program Director for extreme issues or hardships.
What night will my child have practice?
Teams will practice one night per week for one hour (Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM). Younger players are earlier, and the oldest are later. Exact times and days cannot be determined until after registration is closed.
What day are the games?
Games are played on Saturday. Games begin on Saturday, January 4th at 9:00 am. Younger players are earlier, and the oldest are later. Game schedules will NOT be available until after teams have been established.
When will I receive my practice and game schedule?
You should receive a call from your coach letting you know your practice time in December. The coach will introduce him/herself and let you know when you will practice. You will receive an email to your child's team, informing you of all the key information for a successful season.
When is it too late to sign up my child for basketball or cheerleading?
We are closing registration on November 21st. Each year we do our best to get the word out about the program
so everyone has plenty of time to sign up. We will do our best to accommodate late registrations based on the
sizes of our teams. There will be an additional $15 fee to cover expedited shipping and expenses. Email upwardsports@cliocommunity.org to inquire about late registration.
Can I call with questions?
Yes, you may call us at 810-686-5370 with questions, or email upwardsports@cliocommunity.org.